March 11, 2017

{7QT} After A Long Winter's Nap

1. I'm back. I took a long hiatus this fall and most of this winter not just from blogging but many other things due to some health issues. I'm doing much better, and I've learned some valuable lessons about accepting help and taking care of myself.

Enjoying a nice blizzard. Our neighbors thought we were insane.

2. We have been blessed by an unusually mild winter, and I guess I can't complain too much it this year. Snow and freezing temperatures always highlight, at least to me, the silly little inconveniences inherent in our living situation--like the distance between the parking lot and our door, or not having any devices on the roof whatsoever to break up ice dams hanging a full foot over the back of the building. So I'm grateful that we've had minimal shuffling of two little ones over the plowed-over sidewalk on our busy street to our car.


3. Despite the mild winter, I'm so glad that I finally invested in quality winter wear this year. After ten winters in New England wearing a pea coat, I finally purchased a coat system from L.L. Bean. It has been worth every penny (especially the gift card I got with the purchase that went toward the first pair of snow mittens that stay on Mr. B's hands). Then, last week, I took advantage of their ridiculously generous return policy to exchange some cracked Wellies for the popular Bean Boots. I consider myself pretty thrifty as far as clothing is concerned (I mostly rock the clearance rack and Savers), but it's more fun to enjoy the snow with my kids without being super cold and wet.

Enjoying afternoon cereal the classy way.

4. Miss A has now turned two, and I'm marveling at how many baby things are disappearing from our main living floor. Half of our baby toys have been dropped off surreptitiously at Savers (they take stuffed animals! Praise God!) and we had to retire all the baby gates because the kids were using them to mash each other into the wall. Lest you think our children are precocious little angels, I also had to throw Miss A's toothbrush away this week because she snuck into the bathroom, got her toothbrush down (which is on a shelf over the toilet because our bathroom sucks is quirky.) and used it to clean the very dirty drain pipe in the sink (because when the drain stopper broke my landlord replaced it with a $0.50 mesh sieve).

Should we water the house with sand or mud?

5. All of a sudden my children have gone from being indifferent and/or antagonistic toward each other to being frenemies--a vast improvement, really. I can sometimes set them up with something to do--trains, coloring, dressing up--and back away to either accomplish something, relax, or just listen in on their conversation. Today they painted the heck out of eight coloring pages and discussed which Bob the Builder characters they each were. It was surreal, I tell you.

I almost took one of those signs home.

6. Because we're crazy, we decided to break up our winter by driving north. We left our mild, snowless abode in southern New England for the mountainous reaches of Vermont and stayed in this little place for four days:

The view of the Green Mountains was fantastic.

It was too cold to hike, and not snowy enough to do snow things, so we took a few trips into the nearby towns for maple syrup, chocolate, and cheese, but mostly we sat in front of the gas fireplace, cooked, and ate. We also made a futile attempt to procure Chartreuse liquor, but were stymied by unpaved roads not maintained in the winter, a fallen tree, and our southern New England city slicker vehicles. The kids had a blast on the trip, but Mr. B was very, very confused.

7. He was confused that we were going to live in Vermont indefinitely because we may be leaving our little apartment abode soon for four walls, a driveway, and a yard of our very own. We're thrilled by the washer/dryer hookups that are next to one another, a kitchen with more than fifteen continuous inches of counter space, closets wide enough for hangers, and enough space in the bathroom to swing a cat. Among other amenities.

Linking up with Kelly.

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