February 12, 2016

What's For Supper? {link-up}

Rather than attempt to write up all that I've been doing lately in a coherent blog post, I'm joining in Simcha Fisher's meal plan link-up.

Mr. Husband made dinner that night since the kids and I had just returned from a visit to my parents in North Carolina. He made Two-Ingredient Crockpot Chicken, pasta olio e aglio, and steamed sugar snap peas. I sat on the couch while the kids tore through all of the toys they hadn't seen in a week, and talked about how tired I was.

 Superbowl Sunday! Even though we couldn't care less about the results of the game, we still fed the kids chicken nuggets and leftover pasta and veggies for dinner so we could feast on wings (heated from frozen) and 3-layer dip (homemade). I should have dip for dinner more often.

I found london broil steaks on sale at Market Basket, hip hip hooray! I served them broiled and drizzled with olive oil and lemon juice ("Tuscan" style), with Armenian rice pilaf and peas as sides.

Back on the chicken enchilada bandwagon, and I have no shame. I had an afternoon rehearsal some distance away, so I needed to leave something in the fridge that Mr. Husband could toss in the oven and heat up.

Along the same lines, I had an evening gig on Wednesday, so I assembled a mushroom-and-spinach lasagna during naptime so I could cook it and feed the children and myself before I waltzed out the door. Meat lasagna is dandy and all, but this one looked so pretty that I had to take a picture before I baked it.

My gig finished up just in time for me to beat rush hour traffic home and make meatballs and spaghetti. All the enchiladas in the world can't completely un-Italian me, I guess.

I was planning on breaded smelts and lemon spaghetti. We'll see if it happens.

Stay warm!

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